Idaho Women's March 2025

Women are Fed Up and Fired Up!

Idaho Women’s March Mission Statement

Idaho women's March 2017

The purpose of the IWM

… is to plan and facilitate an annual Idaho Women’s March on the third Saturday of January each year.
Idaho Women’s March (IWM) works to promote women’s health and to eliminate all form of discrimination against women and girls in all aspects of life.  IWM takes action through intersectional grassroots activism in collaboration with other organizations that promote equal rights for women and girls.

The time is now to be outraged and at the deplorable condition of women’s health in Idaho. The time is now to fill the streets with women supporting women. The time is now for mothers, grandmothers, and aunts, fathers, grandfathers, brothers, and uncles to support women’s health.  Women’s healthcare is everybody’s concern.

Women Are Fed Up

  • Decriminalize physician and healthcare professionals when providing medical standards of care.
  • Change the law to the Health of the Mother not the Life of the Mother.
  • Restore the Maternal Mortality Reporting Committee (MMRC). Idaho maternal death rate is skyrocketing. According to the 2021 MMRC report, between 2019 and 2021, maternal death increased 121% and 88% of those deaths were preventable.
  • Transgender healthcare decisions belong to the patients, families and doctors. These are tough lifesaving decisions that should not be made by the Idaho legislature.
  • Keep Mifepristone legal and accessible. The Supreme Court is set to reverse access to Mifepristone, a safe and proven drug. If their decision is sent back to the states, we must be prepared to act.
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Idaho Women's March

 Help to Support the IWM

On Saturday, January 18, at 2 pm, women and men from across the state will take to the streets to protest Idaho’s total disregard for women’s lives and health. We will gather on the steps of the Idaho Capitol to hear speakers and then march through the streets of Boise in protest.
But we need your help to cover expenses. We have a permit and the Boise Police Department will protect participants in this event, but this isn’t free. The necessary permits to keep us safe will cost thousands of dollars. So, we must ask for your help to cover these expenses.
We have marched in snow, in bitter cold, and in sunshine to raise our voices for equality in Idaho. This time we march to save women’s maternal and reproductive health. Idaho has one of the most draconian abortion laws in the country that requires a woman literally to be on her deathbed before she can get a lifesaving abortion. Hospitals have closed their labor and delivery units. Over 22% of Idaho’s ob/gyn doctors have moved out-of-state because providing necessary healthcare could land them in prison. More will leave if laws aren’t changed. And, Idaho is the only state that has no committee to investigate maternal deaths.
We need you to raise your voice by marching and we need your donation today. Women are counting on you. Click the green button to be taken to our online donation page.

Alternatively, go to any Idaho Central Credit Union and give them a check made out to Idaho Women’s March Inc, and it will be deposited to our account.

We are grateful for your support and look forward to seeing you and all your friends on January 18.

Idaho Women's March